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Web Based Business Promotion





Are You Being Served?

(Have you noticed... Yellow Page and Newspaper Ads don't work like they used to)

Years ago most “web savvy” business owners like you paid a Webmaster to build a static, brochure style website. It would have had nice clean graphics and pages of content to describe your business and services, and provided visitors a way to contact you. Over time the site may have even added a storefront or online payments to better serve clients.

But unless you spent tons of money in promoting your brand in the mass media, most folks would not know about you. Even today you will see TV commercials telling viewers to visit one website or another. It doesn’t have to be that way. But as W. Edwards Deming said: “It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.”

We don’t just build web sites. We build businesses by using the web. There is no point in having a web site that no one visits. It may be glitzy. It may be beautiful, but such a web site simply does not serve you or your business.

We build web sites that work for you by pulling traffic to you organically, without the need for additional paid promotion… and we know you will agree… new traffic is good for business!

When you are around us you won’t hear a lot of technical talk, buzzwords or TLAs (that’s Three Letter Acronyms… it’s a joke folks… just a joke). Sure all of that stuff is important, but really… do you care? Unless you are a web developer, probably not!

But what you do care about is what your web site will do to promote your business and how much it will cost. You also care about the quality and integrity of the folks who build and maintain your site. Will they understand your needs? Do they understand the demands of business and how to provide services to help you with yours? Will they bring new ideas to the table? Will they be there when you need them? Will they be cost effective?

Things have changed. Like so many other rapid advancements in the digital age, the development of web sites has evolved dramatically. Advancements in technology and knowledge now allow amazingly powerful web sites to be created at a fraction of the cost of just a few years ago. They are less expensive and they provide more than was ever available at an affordable cost, or in some cases at any cost!

We couple the world’s most advanced web marketing research, development and management tools with over 40 years experience in providing business solutions through the use of technology. Using the latest web development technology combined with our years of experience, we can provide you a web presence that is second to none… a web site focused on supporting you and your business objectives.

We recognize that even if it is free, a web site that doesn’t attract traffic and promote your business is far more expensive than one that does. It’s called lost opportunity.

Want to know what lies ahead? Want to be prepared to meet the next challenge or avoid the next obstacle? Use Our RADAR. It will give you the means to look ahead… and stay ahead.

Let us put YOU on Our RADAR

  • R - Research
  • A - Analysis
  • D – Direction
  • A – Action
  • R – Results
  • We use the best web research tools available… anywhere… at any cost… it’s that simple! With our tools we can research the best keyword to develop the all-important theme for your site, followed by all of the keywords directly and indirectly related to your web site theme. We can determine what the demand for each keyword is and how many web sites are providing information for that keyword.

    Then we analyze the results of this research and identify those keywords that are in highest demand but are underserved as potential subjects for your site. We love high demand and low competition!

    We then lay out a recommended direction in terms of what should be written about, in what sequence and how it should be integrated into your site.

    Next we take action by partnering with you in the creation of those pages of content on your site.

    Finally, we can monitor your traffic results to ensure that everything stays on track.

    Ahhh, and another little site is born and sent out into the world to bring traffic back to you and your business. Isn’t life wonderful?

    Our Partnership Approach

    We recognize that business is dynamic. Let’s face it; no matter what your product or service, nothing stays the same for long. Smart business leaders and owners are always improving and increasing their services in response to changing markets and customer demands. To quote W. Edwards Deming: “Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your product or service, and that bring friends with them.” So if you want your customers to stick around, you had better know what they want and be the very best at providing it to them… or someone else will.

    We recognize that business web sites need to be equally dynamic. Maintaining and growing a web site to keep in step with, or in some cases even lead business change, can be daunting for most business owners like you. It is simply not what you do and it is a distraction from your real mission of running and growing your business. It’s a pain… it’s an annoyance… and without the right attention, the result is a poorly maintained, low traffic web site or no web site at all. Let us work with you to change your web site from a “necessary evil” to an effective marketing tool to promote your business and service.

    We recognize that a web site represents you and your business to your community, your region and to the world. And we know that if you have the option you will always want to put your best foot forward. Stale, unmanaged, stagnant web sites do not do that. Over time they become a representation of a business that has stalled or is in decline, although in real terms the business may be flourishing. But the wrong message is being sent… and that is bad for business.

    We recognize that Small and Medium sized Business owners need Reliable, Available, Dependable, Affordable and Responsive web services in just the right quantities to meet their needs and their budget constraints. We have packaged our ongoing support services to do just that. We call it Your RADAR and it gives you access to us when you need us, to navigate the development and growth of your site safely and effectively.

    Put US on your RADAR. It is our commitment to you.

  • R - Reliable
  • A - Available
  • D - Dependable
  • A - Affordable
  • R – Responsive
  • As your partner, we will remove the worry and distraction of building and maintaining your web site. And in partnership with you we have the ability to understand your business needs and translate those into web-based solutions whenever opportunities present themselves.

    We need you to contribute the subject matter expertise related to your business as content for your site. You can provide the copy and we will tune it to ensure the search engines love it. Or, give us the information in point form and we will do the creative writing for you.

    Either way… it’s good for business.

    How our Clients Benefit from our Service.

    Quite simply… people visit the web sites that we build. Because of how they are researched and built, our web sites provide visitors what they are looking for and provide search engines with valuable content, resulting in high search engine rankings. When people can find web sites easily, the sites’ owners are given opportunities to promote their business, sell their products or services and build lasting relationships with their online and offline visitors and clients. And as Edwards Demings will tell you: “The result of long-term relationships is better and better quality, and lower and lower costs.”

    Properly maintained, the web sites we build become a strategic part of our clients’ marketing and advertising programs, as well as a means to interact with their customers on a day-by-day basis. And you know… that is good for business.

    And what about the cost? We know that in the long term, using a variety of methods to generate additional income, a web site can pay its own way or even generate a profit.

    Put YOUR BUSINESS on the World’s RADAR

  • R - Reference
  • A - Authority
  • D - Demand
  • A – Acceptance
  • R – Respect
  • Your content-rich web site can become a worldwide reference. Since it will be written with the authority that comes from real experience of “been there… done that” it will become a trusted source of information that is in demand by visitors interested in your subject matter. Based on the quality of your information you will gain the respect and trust of your visitors, leading to acceptance of your advice or suggestion to buy a service or product. How do we know? Folks most easily buy from those they trust. And our web sites provide the opportunity to build that trust between you and your potential customer.

    Our Fee Structure

    Fees for New Web Site Development and Hosting

    We recognize that budgets are limited and as a Small Business owner you must invest wisely in your marketing initiatives. That’s why we have created a number of Packages to get you started with a web site from which you can build and grow. All of our packages will provide you with:

    • Your custom web site,
    • Domain name registration,
    • 1 year of hosting,
    • 1 year of access to all research and development tools, and
    • Access to countless resources that can be deployed to make your site as productive as you want.
    • Site Submission to all of the major Search Engines

    The larger the package you choose, the more bang you will get for your buck. And to ensure that you always have complete control of how much you spend, you will always have the option of continuing with the development of your site on your own, with or without our help. The option is yours.

    Web Site Development Packages and Pricing

    Our Base Web Site provides a solid foundation with a Home Page and the three pages described below, plus Domain Name registration, web hosting and all research and development tools for 1 year. In addition, we submit your site to all of the major search engines and also to RSS feeds to inform the world whenever a change is made to your site. Here is what is included in the Base Site:

    • Hosting & Tools
    • Home Page
    • Contact Us Page
    • About Us Page
    • Web Mail
    • Site Map
    • Newsletter Form & Invitation
    • What’s New Page
    • RSS Feeds

    We recognize that the success of your site depends upon providing great content and information about your particular market niche. We also know that to be truly effective, a site needs a minimum of 30 pages before it can begin to earn passive income. You will learn that, based on our research, you will have lots of content related to your market niche. Of course you can develop the site yourself or buy additional services and additional pages at any time. But to ensure that you get the best possible start and opportunity for long-term growth and profitability, we provide packages of additional pages at substantial savings as part of your initial site.

    The package rates below are applicable to New Site development agreements only.

    Base Site PlusAdditional Content PagesHost & Tools CostBase Site Dev Cost Cost Per PageAdditional Pages Total Total Dev CostTotal Site Cost
    Base Site0 $ 330 $1,000 $ - $ - $1,000 $1,330
    Package 12 $ 330 $1,000 $ 175 $ 350 $1,350 $1,680
    Package 25 $ 330 $1,000 $ 150 $ 750 $1,750 $2,080
    Package 38 $ 330 $1,000 $ 125 $1,000 $2,000 $2,330
    Package 412 $ 330 $1,000 $ 100 $1,200 $2,200 $2,530

    Fees for Ongoing Web Site Support and Maintenance

    We recognize that the creation and maintenance of your web site is not a one-time event. To ensure that your web site stays in step with your business, responds to market changes and opportunities and continues to remain profitable, you must be committed to its care and feeding.

    Our nominal hourly rate for web related development and marketing services is $120 per hour. This is the rate we use for ad hoc requests and piecemeal work. But let’s face it; we would rather not work that way. Why? Because it limits our ability to plan and organize our work in the most productive and effective way… and we would rather be organized. That’s better for us and for those we serve. And that’s good for business.

    We encourage our clients to keep their websites current with new information and features since this is critical to the growth of traffic and the money making potential of each site.

    Do you want us to maintain and develop your web site on an ongoing basis? We’d be happy to… and to save you money, we provide bundled hours on a prepaid basis with discounts that increase based on the number of hours pre-paid.

    These hours can be used for any web related work including updating information, adding new content or new pages or even coaching you or your staff on how to develop the necessary skills to maintain your own site.

    This will allow you to adequately plan and budget for web maintenance and development costs while providing us with an opportunity to plan and schedule the delivery of our services in an effective manner. We all win.

    Based on the number of pre-paid hours, our discounts range from 17% to 33%.

    We create a time bank for each client and reduce it by the amount of time used to work on a site in response to a client’s request. We alert our clients, as we approach the zero mark in the time bank to permit them an opportunity to maintain the service by purchasing additional hours.

    Web Site Support and Maintenance Pricing

    Nominal Hourly Rate $120      
    Additional HoursHoursHourly RatePackage CostRegular CostYou Save%
    Package 15$100$500$600$10017%
    Package 210$90$900$1,200$30025%
    Package 315$80$1,200$1,800$60033%

    Want to save even more money? You can buy page development services in bundles as well. This is the perfect way to push your web site’s earning potential over the hump, expand availability of your products or services to your clients, or provide more web based services. As always, the cost per page drops as you buy bigger and bigger bundles.

    Pre-paid Additional Page Bundles.

    Pre-paid Additional Page Bundles.     
     Number of PagesCost per PageTotal BundleYou Save%
    Package 12$200$400  
    Package 25$175$875$12513%
    Package 38$150$1,200$40025%
    Package 412$125$1,500$90038%


  • It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…
  • 1Set your site objectives
  • 2 Order your Base Site
  • 3 Select you Additional Page Bundle
  • Get ready to rumble!

    Client Benefit Summary

    Our clients enjoy the many benefits of our Ongoing Web Site Support and Maintenance Service including:

    1. Single source of web site development and maintenance services when required at a pre-established cost
    2. No wasted time nor lost opportunity looking for someone to maintain your site
    3. Further enables our ability to commit to the long-term growth and success of our clients
    4. Allows improved planning and budgeting for web related work
    5. Our RADAR provides the means to keep your site focused on new demands and trends in your business niche and to help you provide what visitors are looking for.
    6. We will be there with you to enable your web marketing and development efforts
    7. Continuity of service – we know your web site and we know your business objectives related to the development and use of your site.
    8. Reduced cost to a very competitive hourly rate

    Ready to get started?  Contact us at at Web Services

    A Word to Competing Web Developers

    You may have noticed that we have laid out our complete service offering as well as our prices. We know that most folks in our business do not.

    You are probably wondering why we are giving you all of this information since it should allow you to compete by outbidding us. Well the truth is that unless you use the tools we use and have developed the expertise we have you cannot compete. You may be able to build cheaper web sites but you cannot build a web site that produces the results that we can.

    But if you want to be able to do what we do, we are happy to share. You can use this technology too. You can find it all right here.




    Guideline... Your partner in Web Based Business Development.
















    Copyright Guideline Information Technology Consulting Inc. 2011